Managing your continence?
You can ask for help.
When you think about a medical condition that affects around 5 million Australians, of all ages, sizes and genders, incontinence does not immediately spring to mind. In fact, it would be lucky to make most people’s shortlists. The reality is, it’s not something most of us feel comfortable talking about with family, friends or even medical professionals.
However, for registered nurse, Tess Steel, helping Tasmanians effectively identify, manage and treat their continence issues and restore quality of life has been a passion spanning over 25 years.
Following spinal surgery in 2014, Tess approached ParaQuad Tasmania (PQT), an organisation supporting Tasmanians with spinal cord injury and physical disability, with an idea.
She wanted to know how many of the organisation’s clients had undertaken a comprehensive continence assessment. PQT’s subsequent research showed a genuine need for more continence assessment, advice and treatment options. To progress this idea, however, they needed access to specialised clinicians, appropriate examination facilities and the partnership of a respected NDIS service provider.
Enter Care Forward - a locally owned and operated Tasmanian company and registered NDIS provider, working with people across the State to live well at home for over 20 years.
Out of this collaboration, the Care Forward/ParaQuad Tasmania Continence Advisory Pilot Program was born.
The Program will provide comprehensive assessments, advice and referrals for supports and treatments to manage bladder, bowel and pelvic floor problems, using state of the art, real-time ultra sound technology. Care Forward’s modern facilities and friendly staff provide a comfortable and safe environment for clients.
The majority of bladder, bowel and pelvic floor problems can be managed, treated or even cured.
They’re not a normal part of ageing or living with a disability, they may not go away on their own and you don’t need to put up with them. You can ask for help.
The Continence Advisory Pilot Program will commence in September 2018.
Managing Director Joe Towns said Care Forward adopted a ‘wellness’ approach across all of its services.
“This continence nursing service is just a first step towards making our team of dedicated health professionals even more accessible to clients in the NDIS,” he said.
“We want people with disabilities and their carers to benefit from our experience in restorative care and reablement.
“We know that we can make a positive difference in improving people’s health and wellbeing, and we’re excited about the benefits that our focus on health can bring to people with disabilities.
“This is all part of the opening of our exciting state-of-the-art Wellness Centre, featuring a range of allied health services, including exercise physiology and comprehensive nutrition advice.”