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Coronavirus Update

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

No doubt you will be very aware of media reports generally about the Coronavirus and have heard reports today about an aged care worker in NSW being diagnosed with the virus.

Care Forward understands our clients and their carers and family may be concerned about loved ones and our readiness to cope with the Coronavirus.

Every year we prepare to manage any outbreak of infectious diseases such as the flu or gastro. We are implementing the same procedures now to try and prevent the virus from spreading and containing it if and as needed. We are following the advice from the health authorities and working with them to ensure we are asprepared as we can be. Our focus is on ensuring the health and wellbeing of our clients and staff.

One way you can assist is to be careful when visiting your loved one and to stay home if you are unwell. Where you are unsure you should seek medical advice. There are many ways to stay connected through phone and social media and these can be used if you find you are unable to visit.

If you would like further factual advice about the virus you may be interested in the information published on the Department of Health website:

Alternatively, contact the 24-hour National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

We are doing all we can to protect our clients and are keen for your support with this public health issue.

If you want to know more about the steps we are taking please don’t hesitate to contact your Care Forward Care Coordinator on 1300 364 876.



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