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Government Response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

"Respect for senior Australians is, and must be, a national priority. Out of respect comes all that we value in the care of our ageing loved ones: dignity, quality and safety.

As a nation, these are our goals for the aged care system. "

The Australian Government called the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety to ensure our oldest and most vulnerable Australians receive care that supports and respects their dignity and recognises the contribution they have made to society.

The Aged Care Royal Commission made 148 recommendations following 23 public hearings over 99 days, 641 witnesses, and over 10,000 public submissions.

Care Forward is thrilled that Australia’s aged care system has received this level of wise and compassionate scrutiny.

The evidence of senior Australians and their families has been a call to action.

The good news is that "the Government agrees with the Commissioners that strong action is needed for fundamental and ambitious reforms."

And now, the 2021–22 Federal Budget has provided a comprehensive response to the Royal Commission’s recommendations.

They have proposed a $17.7 billion aged care reform package designed to deliver sustainable quality and safety in the home as well as in residential aged care services.

We wholeheartedly agree that "this once-in-a-generation opportunity to confront the inadequacies in aged care will bring real change to the system."

And we look forward to a new Aged Care Act, comprehensive in its scope and depth, that will underpin these generational reforms.

Care Forward is determined to preserve the dignity of life at every stage.

Thank you to everyone who made a submission to the Royal Commission.

Thank you for your stories –– difficult, personal, sometimes tragic.

You told them with courage and insight.

We continue to hope and pray that the Government will ensure that you did not tell them in vain.

And we will be doing everything in our power to stay ahead of the continual reform and improvement of in-home aged care across Tasmania.

Care Forward is very much looking forward to the future of the aged care system and the design and implementation of a new support at home program for Tasmania.

At Care Forward, the future is bright.

For the government’s comprehensive response to the Royal Commission’s final report, designed to deliver sustainable quality and safety in Australia’s home and residential aged care services, see:


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